Baked beans

Made baked beans tonight and they taste like traveling. Beans with breakfast every morning. That was my thing. I loved it! And Texas baked beans are sickingly sweet and just don’t taste the same. I’m so glad I gave it a try! It was super easy and they are so delicious. Ate it with buttered toast as a way too late snack.

Eliot and I went to H‑E‑B around 9am and did some shopping. I wanted to make some Indian dishes and needed fresh ingredients. While we were there I got extra water and cans and cream cheese for coyote tacos. I’ve been thinking often this year about needing a stock. We should probably be more aware of what we have/how much... I decided today I’m just going to pick up two gallon jugs of water per shopping trip until we have the recommended amount of storage on hand. And a couple cans of staple food each time I go wouldn’t be a bad idea either... especially because we do go through them anyway, so it’s not like I’d be wasteful in purchasing a bit extra. I should do some research on how much a family our size should keep and for how long... just in case.


We saw Big Mom and Denét today. We left Eliot’s backpack in NW and needed it. Denét was headed to Big Mom’s anyway, so we made plans and went over for a walk and to play for a bit and to get back the important bag. I’m glad we went. After dropping off lunch for Matthias, we came home for his second nap, my first. By the time we were up again it was 4pm and Matthias was almost on his way home! I picked up as much as I could — our house was a disaster from the explosion of unpacking after Christmas week in Austin. When Matthias made it back and started on dishes for me, it was 5:30. I made us bus station kefta for dinner. Y U M!!! Surprising how happy we are with a meal that is mostly tomatoes since neither of us typically like tomatoes. 

This is my last week off... ahhh. January is days away which means: back to real life. To working. I need to start getting up early if I’m going to be productive. Eliot doesn’t let me accomplish much when he’s up. He’s so busy!