Christmas week

it’s not quite magic in that childhood-wonder way, but christmas with family is its own magic.


12/23: Woke up at the Frost’s and went straight to wrapping presents, writing notes, and getting ready for our week away in Austin with my family! When we were packing for the trip last night, I forgot Matthias’ present, so I had to run back to pick it up and print a photo from the Christmas tree farm of Eliot for Big Mom’s stocking gift. We finally left for Austin around 3pm– much later than the 12pm time we assumed, but it worked out. The drive was beautiful, Eliot was easy and sweet as could be, and Matthias and I enjoyed some really wonderful conversation that touched me in deep ways. Talked about childhood, personalities, moments that changed us, highlights in our marriage, and my tendency to carry shame— which brought me to tears, as it always does. 

It was good to feel in sync and connected for those hours after a long last week of him working hard and me sick. We’ve been disconnected and have spent too much time with mind numbing television in the evenings instead of doing the work to connect. And it is work— but it’s good. It’s important. It’s necessary. It’s what builds a beautiful life of intimacy and intertwinedness.