I used to compartmentalize: spiritual vs. physical

Today’s my 29th birthday. 

I thought about making a list of 29 things that I’ve learned or something, but instead I just wanted to share one thing.

One thing that changed everything for me.

Realizing my physical life and world are also spiritual. 

Realizing the things I do in my physical world can be acts of worship when my heart is right. 

I used to compartmentalize.

spiritual vs. physical

There was my spiritual life & then there was my physical life.

And they didn’t really touch expect for when I wanted to make sure others saw my spirituality. (Cringe.)

Say the right things.

Have the right attitudes.

Wear the right clothes.

Go the right places.

I thought to be ‘more spiritual’ I needed less time thinking on or moving within the physical world.

More sitting still, eyes closed, quiet, prayerful. Is this what God requires of me? If I do this more than others, have I achieved something?

I don’t believe that lie any more. 

I don’t see the monk hidden out as closer to or more obedient to God than the person living the calling God has for them.

I’m not more spiritual when I’m up in the early morning alone in prayer than I am when I’m making dinner for my family.

One isn’t just spiritual while the other is just physical. 

Both are acts of worship if my heart is right. Both are empty and in vain when my heart is wrong.

God isn’t annoyed that my home is full of noisy children. He isn’t frightened that our conversations will be lacking now that I don’t have all the free time and space that I did in the past.

He’s not disappointed when the places I meet him are in the car driving, in the kitchen cooking, on a walk, in the last few minutes before drifting off to sleep. 

He wouldn’t be more pleased with me if it was 7am and on my couch. 

He’s not more pleased with me in our row at church on Sunday worshipping in song, than He is when I’m home on a Thursday afternoon wiping out my bathroom sink in conversation with him.

He’s not impressed when others think highly of me and my ‘christian life.’

He’s not disappointed in me when others look down on me because I don’t look like the ‘right kind of christian’ in their estimation. 

He loves me.

He desires relationship with me. 

He’s is good. 

I am thankful for 29 years of life and that each day gets better as I know the Ultimate Author a little more.