
Have you ever heard “your perception is your reality”?

The idea transformed me and taught me to be purposeful with my inner-narrative.

We can take some control in our life by being intentional with how we talk to ourselves about our moments, days, months, years...

Here’s one of my favorite ways to be purposeful with your perception: set an alarm at least a few afternoons a week and when it goes off, recall something from the last hour or hours, take that moment in time and expand it. You don’t need a physical journal, you can easily do this in the notes section of your phone.

As an example: 20 minutes on the porch with Eliot this morning.

Instead of it being a non-event just sitting on the porch watching Eliot play and wishing I could be “more productive”, my story, my memory of the moment— even in my own mind, even if it’s never shared— is: a cool October day, a slow few minutes with warm sun, some wind (which makes me miss lubbock a bit), wearing my favorite sweater, sipping a hot tea while I watch my endlessly curious firstborn find exciting things in the world, encountering little bits of life and nature for the very first time.

a moment I could easily forget or not pay attention to has then become a precious memory and made my world more beautiful in my own view. To change the world, you have to be willing to learn how to change your language and change how beautiful the world is around you— in your own eyes.
