🦞 bisque

I want to bring value to this space. I want to have things worth saying and make an impression with my intentional posts and stories. But sometimes, I just want to share a moment from our life. These daily photos are a stretch for me, even after a year of doing them. I’m grateful to have a place to show up & keep these memories and that’s enough. In Galveston on a small getaway without Eliot.

The mask ordinance is stricter here, so it’s kept our trip pretty quiet. Last night we had the most wonderful mussels and lobster bisque at Saltwater Grill. We were going to have red snapper at Gaidos, but they wouldn’t seat us without masks, so we canceled our reservation. It ended up being a good thing because we were both so full on garlic bread & bisque 😂

Before heading back to the hotel we picked up an americano, latte, & small cheesecake and enjoyed dessert in bed after a few hours of digestion.