vanilla lemongrass tea

Matthias spent his Saturday helping others: my brothers moving equipment, his dad with car repairs. I spent the day loving on our lion, baking a pie, and enjoying The Unprejudiced Palate. I feel so grateful to fall asleep next to such a kind person every night. And this familiar scene, him on my lap for a head rub is so precious to me. Our room smells like peace & calming and I’m enjoying a vanilla lemongrass tea & a Dick Van Dyke episode. It’s a good Saturday night.



A familiar scene. A late night tea after Matthias & Eliot are tucked in bed. ⠀

I am inspired, excited, and enjoying our days so much. My cup is overflowing. ⠀

Another one to love. A home that is ours. A business I enjoy. Days that are dictated not by anyone or anything else. I would’ve assumed as a child that meant not doing anything, just playing... an endless vacation. But gosh, that isn’t fulfilling at all. Pouring myself into work brings me to life. I feel alive. ⠀

I am feeling the joy and reaping the rewards of hard work and consistency. July, August, and September are going to be huge months in our YL business and I am ready for all of it. ⠀

Spent my afternoon with Kate, Kristin, & her girls. And my evening with Ethan, Hannah Joy, and Ollie. A perfectly perfect mundane day with the nitty gritty & dreaming & motherhood & a from scratch dinner. ⠀

PS. Reading The Unprejudiced Palate right now and IT IS GOOD.


june 28th, 2020

we’re members of our church (as of last week) and that feels so incredible. our first church to ever be members at as a married couple. 🥺❤️ it took us wayyy too long, but we’re here now and I’m so excited to raise Eliot (& our future kidlets) with this church family. since Matthias was working all day yesterday, we spent the entire afternoon at home today. reading in bed & on the porch (we LOVE our little porch). dreaming of our future garden & looking (again) at windows (oh my gosh this is hard... and expensive). the dick van dyke show. a long walk. baby snuggles & some coaching — come on! you can crawl! we know it! coyote taco soup. a good day.



so many photos & videos from beach weekend with my Young Living community & it isn’t even over 🤭

our community (group, team, oily fam, whatever you want to call it) is not a closed group or clique. if you’ve been watching from the sidelines & need some friendship with the coolest, kindest, and crunchiest group, JUST ASK. we want to be friends with you, I promise. 💙


I’ve been talking about getting pregnant again since Eliot was two months old. That really freaked Matthias out... so it’s a good thing Eliot is a whole five months old, right?😜 we think we have a February 2021 baby on our hands. ahhhh! 🤩💞🌿 

June 15th, 2020

Ergo kisses before our nightly walk. // Hard to find words for this Monday. I love my boys. I love this life. I love our mundane and the exciting.
The guys project hit a bump today, but kind of one they expected? Just praying and hoping they sort it out quickly. And I got the biggest check I’ve ever gotten so far working YL so we get to pay off Matthias’ car & be debt free on it & that feels SO good.


here, on this land

Another day here. Another day of Matthias doing the hard work while I sip on iced tea and bounce a cute baby and pick out light fixtures. Being a woman & his wife is amazing. We walked the land a couple times together today between him working. I walked it alone once, praying. There is so much to pray for. In this time. For the American people. And for our future, here, on this land.


festival planning

still doing our festival planning meetings on Tuesdays. except now instead of it being with (the rest of the board and) Jessie James & Cody Stevens it’s Jessie & Cody Stevens. HOW SWEET IS THAT. dreamers, married. I melt. this is one of Byron’s favorite days, I think. he loves spending Tuesday afternoon roaming The Grounds 1488 while we work. and Eliot doesn’t mind being passed around a little. 😉💞


June 7th, 2020

I married such a hard working, disciplined man. Another day of Matthias putting in time to clear our property. Eliot and I sleep in on Saturday’s while Matthias gets up to get work done with the tractor. Our favorite part of the day is walking back to see him work & everything he’s accomplished.


it feels weird

In church again, our second time back in person in months. It feels weird that a couple weeks ago we were being told if we had family dinner, we’d be killing someone’s grandma... and now there are thousands in the streets daily...
More drawing, planning, Matthias had a project meeting in the afternoon, and then we measured appliances in the evening and planned out our kitchen space.