Oily babies

I often use essential oils on my boys and I love that Young Living has a line for kids. Pre-diluted and easy to roll right on ✨

Sometimes, if I’m using an oil that isn’t in the kids line, I’ll dilute the oil myself. Young Living’s recommended ratio is 7 drops of carrier oil (like olive or coconut or jojoba) to 1 drop of essential oil.

If your little one ever experiences tummy aches, or needs some sleep support, or sometimes gets scrapes & bruises, it’s likely you’d love the oils as much as I do.

Here is my Little Ones Wishlist if you want recommendations.

The roll-on oils are perfect for your diaper bag and the regular oil bottles are nice at home so you can use them in the diffuser.

Our most used oils are:

Tummygize, on their belly or feet for any upset tummies

Sleepyize, in the diffuser or rolled on, a part of their nap and nighttime routine

Owie, rolled on any bruises or diffused after some trauma (like slipping & falling)

You can purchase through my Little Ones Wishlist or choose your own products use my referral number #2537154 and then join our private oily support community here.