Frankincense in my skincare routine✨

Frankincense is my favorite essential oil in my skin care routine. It helps soothe and calm your skin naturally🥰

✨ Frankincense essential oil helps maintain youthful-looking skin, reducing the signs of aging for a radiant complexion. Because frankincense has anti-inflammatory properties, it can reduce redness and puffiness, and it’s perfect for sensitive or acne-prone skin.

✨ Frankincense essential oil also works as a natural astringent, minimizing pores and giving your skin a smoother, more even texture.

Dilute a few drops of frankincense essential oil with a carrier oil or your favorite lotion, then massage it into your face and let me know if you love it as much as I do!

You can look through my favorite skin care products in my Wishlist on Young Living’s website. If you’re using my referral number (2537154) to purchase, make sure to hop into our private community on Facebook!