Having two

Mom is coming over this week to help out a few hours a day. Matthias is back to work... like for real. He worked last week, but only a handful of hours a day and from home. So this is different.

Adjusting to two is different than adjusting to one. Is that so obvious that I sound silly for saying it out loud?

Having Eliot was an emotional adjustment (in very happy ways, thankfully). It took time to settle into becoming a mother...

There were definitely physical changes... I mean, we added a whole new person into our life and routines, so, of course. But it felt more spiritually + emotionally shifting than physical adding our firstborn.

Adding Emerson in... well, I’m already a mama. I knew the joy that was coming. It’s been much more of a physical adjustment this time. Not because Emerson is a different newborn, but because we have a 13 month old in the mix. I’m chasing a toddler all day and also up all night. (Ok, not all night... but still.) I’m tired, I’m happy.


some moments that make me happy: