March 24th, 2020

I try to avoid mirror selfies for our picture of the day here, but sometimes that’s all I can muster up. Matthias & Eliot have been asleep for a little bit now & I was doing my nightly routine wondering what the heck I was going to do for the daily photo... then decided just this. This is my life and that’s what the photos are for.

I haven’t done a ton since Eliot was born, but I’ve been consistent in doing a little bit every single day. I have some small weights I use for a quick workout and I usually do it at night. It’s been nicknamed my toothbrush routine.

I realized after snapping the photo that I covered my face in them. For years I trained myself to be ashamed of selfies like this - because they were endlessly “before” photos in my mind. Ouch. 🥴 It hurts to say that out loud. I hope my daughters never feel that. I’m happy to say I don’t feel like that anymore, even 15 pounds above my “proper” weight. I’m being consistent in the little things and that makes me feel proud. I should’ve taken a clue from my mom on that one a long time ago.