11pm alarm

I pulled up the covers around 8:45 tonight to snuggle with Lionhart while he nursed. It was supposed to be a short cuddle so I could wrap up my evening routines after. I didn’t expect to fall asleep, but when I realized it was happening I was already too far gone. 🤣😳 I had Matthias set an alarm for me and I dragged myself out of bed at 11pm to finish my night time routines. Ugh. H A R D. I really, really would’ve preferred at the time to stay in bed, but I’m glad I made myself get up. I pulled out my camera first to get this exhausted portrait because I am not going to let some sleepiness break our habit of daily photos & then washed my face & completed my other night time traditions. I am going to sleep so much more soundly with my face washed & knowing I didn’t slack on the responsibilities I’ve assigned to myself. One little thing at a time. One good decision at a time. Goodnight, world 🙌🏼

question: black & white or color?
