POTATOES & feb 19th

February 20th, 2020. JJ heller is playing on my phone & that is filling our dark room with sweet sounds. Matthias is sleeping (mostly? he has been so still for a while now) and Eliot is sucking so very hard on a pacifier- his newest skill and favorite thing besides just nursing endlessly. We had Ethan, Hannah Joy, Ollie, Grey, Sydnie, & Theo over dinner. Hannah Joy and I made a potato soup together. It only took 400 hours. I wanted to triple the recipe so I could send home so much yumminess with each sister, but we got to the end of the night and I realized I had nothing appropriate to send soup in... so I currently have a LOT of soup in my house. And still nothing appropriate to store it in... Also, feeling guilt for not writing anything for yesterday. What a weird thing to feel guilt about... I am so very happy with as much as I have gotten down these last 151 days. (Thank you, Sarah, for being my “button” Wednesday!)