144 days

February 13th, 2020. 144 days of self portraits. When we started, I definitely didn’t know we’d still be doing this in February. The only day we’ve missed taking time for a photo was the day we had Eliot. (thankfully we have lots of pictures from Kate that day😘❤️) Things I didn’t know going into this:
1️⃣ how many photos we’d take in beds: hotel beds, at his parents, at my parents, in our apartment, the ranch, etc. so many times we’ve gotten to the end of a day and realize we still need to grab a picture for the day. lots more of that than I could have imagined.
2️⃣ how exciting this would still be to me after this long. I love these portraits & I haven’t started printing them yet, but I want to start & hang our favorites throughout our home.
3️⃣ how much discipline it takes to “just take a photo”... oh my goodness. 🙈 it’s harder than it seems keeping this up. (BUT worth it!!) 4️⃣ that the project would fuel my journaling. I’ve spent more time with pen & paper than I would have if I wasn’t doing this.