Book club & dinner

first ever bonin sister book club at my moms house. SO HAPPY WE’RE DOING THIS!!!! we kind of majorly failed in making it official or following a plan. annalise hadn’t even started the book we were discussing. and we spent a whole lot of time just chit chatting, talking about christmas, and oohing over Caspian. we’re going to be talking about the same book again at our next meeting next month so we can all finish it. it’s on gratitude. and holy moly... I am feeling convicted. about so many things. I really thought I was a grateful person, but I’m realizing that I’m grateful in my home, as a wife, and as a mother. in other areas, with other people and situations, I let a lot of ingratitude, expectation, and entitlement in. Lord, forgive me. I’m glad this is the book we’re covering, because I didn’t realize how badly I needed it. 

we hosted ronnie and lizzie and charlotte for dinner. our first time ever hosting them! what! in our beautiful apartment, gosh, we love it here. we shared an incredible meal of chicken marsala with rice and broccoli, but goodness... it was a mess getting to the final product. I turned brown rice to mush, almost ruined (by burning) the white rice, and burnt the hell out of my fingers when I had a mishap with the cast iron in the oven. Hot mess express.