In Our Hotel Room

In our hotel room. Matthias on the phone with work, pursuing his dream. We’ve been staying in hotels a lot recently. Not out of town, just about 20 minutes from where we’re currently staying at Matthias’ parents. Hotels are peaceful, aren’t they? Especially when we’re together.


Not that it isn’t quiet or peaceful at his parents. In fact, it’s really wonderful on their property. We have space and privacy. But it doesn’t mean we don’t miss the solitude of our own place. A place where you can walk around mostly naked, you know? We have been home displaced since the dog attack... tomorrow marks four weeks exactly since that happened. It has been a short four weeks made up of many long, longgg days. This last week was the first time we’ve talked about or looked at where we want to go next. We walked beautiful apartments in The Woodlands and talked about what our next season of life will be like. A new place and a new baby. Today, I am hopeful.
