I'm taking piano lessons, just for the fun of it

I’m taking piano lessons for the first time in… many years… 15 years, probably.

I was nervous to begin. Nervous to start over, to be terrible at this after playing for most of my childhood.

But actually, I’m not embarrassed at all like I imagined I would be. Instead, I’m so happy! It’s a joy learning something just for the joy of learning.

And because of FaceTime, I’m able to take lessons from my favorite teacher, who has been teaching piano for 50 years: my own Mimi. 🥰❤️

Throwback photo to November 2020, pregnant with Emerson and feeling very dramatic with our grand piano. 😂 because of its size, it didn’t move with us to the forest loft. My sister is hanging onto it for me until we build our home. 😭 we were given an upright piano and it’s in our master bedroom now. I’ll have to get a photo of it soon. 💞