Tucking in

Look how precious this prayer is for your children 🥹

Jesus, bless their feet, may they bring good news.
 Bless their legs, may they carry on in times of suffering.
 Bless their backs, may they be strong enough to bear the burdens of others.
 Bless their arms to hold the lonely, and their hands to do good work.
 Bless their necks, may they turn their heads toward the poor.
 Bless their ears to discern truth, their eyes to see beauty, and their mouths to speak encouragement.
 Bless their minds, may they grow wise.

And finally, bless their hearts, may they grow to love you — and all that you have made — in the right order.

Oh man. 🥹

I didn’t write it. I found it a while back and loved it so much that I shared it with some friends & family, and kept it in my notes so I wouldn’t lose it.

I don’t pray it word for word over the boys, well, ever, really. (I did the first time.) But I was inspired by the format of prayer and use it often when I’m tucking the boys in.

The boys are never peaceful or quiet during nighttime reading or prayer, so instead of being annoyed at their energy I try to engage them when we do this so we love our routine and don’t dread it.

Often it’ll look like…

* putting my hands on theirs* Bless their hands, may they serve the orphans and the widows

(giggle giggle)

* holding their feet* Bless their feet, may they be brave enough to follow you wherever you call, Lord

(does a 180° under their blanket)

*kissing their heads* Bless their minds, may they think on what is true and good

(more kisses! more!)

*touching near their lips* Bless their mouths, may they always speak words of love and life and kindness

(momma, tickle me!)

*putting my hand over their heart* Bless their hearts, let them be set on the truth and have a desire for you

Inevitability they’re wriggling, giggling, asking me to grab their feet again or for another kiss. I imagine Jesus loves watching them and their routine, even though they don’t focus. They don’t get it right now, but someday they will.