BabIes & Stuff

Hannah Joy made me a baby registry today. I’ve been putting it off... and since we’re getting so close, it just needed to be done. (How am I 30 weeks pregnant??) Baby registries are overwhelming and complicated and... there is just *so* much stuff for babies. When I got to her home this evening and scrolled through it though, it made me laugh & nearly cry. It hit me again. We’re having a baby. A tiny person that is from Matthias and me. Our person. And he’s going to be so little and squishy and, oh my gosh, he *is* going to need stuff. Even if it’s just basics like diapers and some clothes. THANK GOD for sisters who make baby registries for the procrastinators.

And I finished Jenna Kutchers Pinterest Lab today. Dang, that girl can put out SO much content. She’s impressive. I’m inspired by her and so many other women who work their butts off from home to support their families. I have LOVED my career as a wedding photographer, but I am thrilled to be slowing that down for working from my laptop so I can do less travel, have more weekends at home, and just be present for motherhood in the way I picture will work for us & all that entails.
