
Matthias & I desire to be wise with our time, & stay aware of what our commitments are & who we spend our evenings with. With as much as we have going on in this season, we haven’t had time for much outside of our family nights. But you know how there are people who ARE family— even without the blood to prove it? These two are some of ours. Framily? Remind me... what are adopted family-friends supposed to be called? Because framily is definitely not it. 😂
Shona & Mark are some of our closest friends. One of our favorite places to be is in their home, on their porch, sharing food, wines, the boys share cigars, we talk art & life endlessly. We have annual Christmas parties, dream up plans of home renovations and art community buildings, and do what we can in the busyness of life to stay connected. We are raid-your-fridge and steal-your-clothes comfortable in their space & have spent so. many. hours. in the office pictured here. I lived with them briefly at 20, & they were the ones who told me to go-for-it with my photography career. Meaning, quit my job and really GO for it. They believed in me and told me if I failed, they would be there with me. Thankfully, I didn’t fall flat on my butt when I went full time, but I know if I had, they *really* would have been there.
In huge ways, my adult life has turned out the way it has because of their love & trust in me. I am so thankful. Who could’ve guessed that the “Mr. & Mrs. Cole” I grew up in church with would become my best friends as I entered adulthood & be such an influential part of our life & marriage.
We love our people. 🖤
