
Matthias moved to these twenty-three acres when he was just a toddler. Now we own two of them and spend a lot of weekends here prepping our land for the house we’re going to build.
I hope I never forget the magic of Saturday mornings. The magic for Eliot: so much of the world to explore. The magic for me: rediscovering the wonder of little things alongside my boy.

55 days til 2021

I wish by saying that I’m re-visiting Man’s Search for Meaning and 7 Habits of Highly Effective People that I could just hand over to you all of the emotions, truths, the beauty to be found in both books. But there aren’t shortcuts to doing your own reading...Well, audible exists. That’s a sort of shortcut.
I hope if you are trying to fill the last 55 days of 2020 with good things, that you reach for either of these books.

the seasons

“Stuff” doesn’t make happiness. Lots of people live very unhappy lives full of stuff. But you know something I’ve noticed? People who plan for and decorate around the seasons tend to be happy people. I haven’t met very many grumps who are intentional with making their homes beautiful, inviting spaces that celebrate life and it’s seasons. (I know there are exceptions, it’s a big world.)

I want to be a mom who pulls out special baskets full of books ushering in the springtime, summer...

A wife that makes her husbands favorite fall and winter dishes that remind him of his childhood home.

A neighbor that makes the world a little brighter with Christmas lights on the porch and a wreath on the door.

There will always be people who scoff at those pulling out Christmas trees and nativity scenes in November, but I guarantee... the early holiday celebrators are too busy feeling happy & nostalgic to care. 😉

And on that note, our bedroom got a little Christmas makeover today and we’re all pretty happy about it :)


Have you ever heard “your perception is your reality”?

The idea transformed me and taught me to be purposeful with my inner-narrative.

We can take some control in our life by being intentional with how we talk to ourselves about our moments, days, months, years...

Here’s one of my favorite ways to be purposeful with your perception: set an alarm at least a few afternoons a week and when it goes off, recall something from the last hour or hours, take that moment in time and expand it. You don’t need a physical journal, you can easily do this in the notes section of your phone.

As an example: 20 minutes on the porch with Eliot this morning.

Instead of it being a non-event just sitting on the porch watching Eliot play and wishing I could be “more productive”, my story, my memory of the moment— even in my own mind, even if it’s never shared— is: a cool October day, a slow few minutes with warm sun, some wind (which makes me miss lubbock a bit), wearing my favorite sweater, sipping a hot tea while I watch my endlessly curious firstborn find exciting things in the world, encountering little bits of life and nature for the very first time.

a moment I could easily forget or not pay attention to has then become a precious memory and made my world more beautiful in my own view. To change the world, you have to be willing to learn how to change your language and change how beautiful the world is around you— in your own eyes.


🦞 bisque

I want to bring value to this space. I want to have things worth saying and make an impression with my intentional posts and stories. But sometimes, I just want to share a moment from our life. These daily photos are a stretch for me, even after a year of doing them. I’m grateful to have a place to show up & keep these memories and that’s enough. In Galveston on a small getaway without Eliot.

The mask ordinance is stricter here, so it’s kept our trip pretty quiet. Last night we had the most wonderful mussels and lobster bisque at Saltwater Grill. We were going to have red snapper at Gaidos, but they wouldn’t seat us without masks, so we canceled our reservation. It ended up being a good thing because we were both so full on garlic bread & bisque 😂

Before heading back to the hotel we picked up an americano, latte, & small cheesecake and enjoyed dessert in bed after a few hours of digestion.


faces of the very tired, very happy organizers of the first ever Fall Festival at The Grounds 1488.

we ended up with 2000ish (number yet to be confirmed!) people through and the day was AMAZING


Matthias keeps telling me he’s so proud of me and it makes me feel all the big feelings


we’re all relieved today was a success and now it’s time for some much needed rest. I have YL work through November since I’m working towards Platinum, but I feel really called to take December allllll the way off. I’m listening to that small voice and clearing my calendar instead of packing it like I have the bad habit of doing, especially around the holidays. here’s to whatever is next

witchy whimsy

I went and bought a big black pointy hat for the festival. I’ve never admired witches or wanted to dress up as one, but I want a way to stand out Saturday. Being a witch with the biggest, pointiest hat and a 23 week baby belly seems like it’ll do the trick.

I picture a vendor inquiring... “hey where’s the coordinator?” and somebody pointing across the field saying, “it’s that witch over there.” I’ll never know if that situation actually happens, of course, but that’s what I imagine. So a big pointy hat it is. 

We’ve been working on this festival since March. We’ve had weekly meetings since March, actually. We kept trying to do something sooner, but, like many things in 2020, plans had to be held loosely because of... everything.

When we finally decided on a FALL festival, we named it “The North Woodlands Festival” so people would know exactly where it was. The north side of The Woodlands on 1488. And then we got a cease and desist letter for using “The Woodlands” in our title. It makes me laugh. Well... “Fall Festival at The Grounds 1488” will have to do. as of right now, our attendee count is at 655. Online tickets close at noon tomorrow... I wonder if we’ll break 700 before then.



i love beginnings. 

I love watching people embark on journeys, pick up new hobbies, start businesses, invest in learning new skill sets. I am the person cheering on the sidelines, 

keep it up! you’ve got this! 

you’re doing an honorable thing and it will be worth your time! 

just keep going!

don’t give up! 

but time and again, I find myself annoyed at me having to be beginner at things. I want to do _______ (whatever has currently captured my imagination) and I want to do it with excellence NOW.

There is something humbling and vulnerable about wanting something or wanting to be able to do something and being terrible at that thing. It’s always worth it though, isn’t it? 

And it makes life more special to have stories of beginnings and failures before victories. And I don’t just mean for big things, either. Humble beginnings are not just worth it for the wild dreams that work out, or the large, successful businesses.

There is magic in the little beginnings, little things, there is magic in beginnings of adventures that aren’t even meant for a lifetime. The first loaf of sourdough bread. The painting that didn’t turn out like expected. The piano piece that doesn’t sound right yet. 

Reminding myself of the magic of beginnings, because I want to be a person brave enough to always be starting something new. Even if it means being terrible for a time. 

(check out eliot’s smirk with his mouthful from this chunk of our first sourdough. ❤️)

Friday evening

five years ago (tomorrow) Matthias & I had the conversation that changed everything. “let’s just get married next weekend.” from infatuation to deep bond & intimacy, a gift of time.

tonight we get to spend our Friday evening next to each other in bed, dreaming & doing while Eliot sleeps lightly in his room. it’s ordinary, it’s perfect.

there’s nowhere I’d rather be.
